Zach Galifianakis Height (2024)

ALEXIZ/180cm said on 5/Sep/21
168 cm in my opinion

MaskDeMasque said on 21/Jun/21

FriedChicken said on 29/Oct/20
Yeah 5'6.25 at worse nothing below it can't see him at 5'6 flat. 5-6.75 at most. So 5'6.5 is the sweetspot. Surprised he's still this listing as he looks a full 8 inches shorter than a 6'2.5 Will Ferrel. And in the comparison of him with Mark Wahlberg, and with RDJ, he looks 2 inches shorter. Although I'm not proposing he'd actually measure 2 inches shorter than either of those two under normal circ*mstances, i think a full 5 ft 7 should be ruled out. I have a hard time believing he'd be the same height as a legit 5 ft 7er like James McAvoy. 5'6.5 Jon Stewart appeared to be taller as well.

Jkiller said on 30/Sep/20
He is definitely not 5'7. Max is probably 5'6.5 at best, 5'6.25 seem more reasonable though.

FriedChicken said on 9/Sep/20
He looks too short with 5'7.75 RDJ to Be a legit 5'7. Maybe 5'6 1/2.

Duffer 5ft 11 said on 25/Aug/20
He may very well be 5'6.5 at a stretch but I think realistically Zach is a very strong 5'6" tall.
Can't really see much more for this guy. Robert downey Jr. who appears to be around 5'8" tall had him in "Due Date" (2010) by a good 2 inches.

Realist said on 7/Jun/20
I definitely say 5'6 for this guy Justin Bartha was like 5'7 or 8 and was definitely taller than him.

Memo55 said on 13/Feb/20
Hi Rob

Click Here

according to this picture, either zach is 5.9 or Ken jeong is 5.2.

Zach Galifianakis Height (1)Editor Rob

I would say he is Dropping height in his knees for some of those shots.

Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 11/Jul/18
@Daz Robert Downey Jr is 5'7.75" and he wear lift like Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt. Zach is 5'7 maybe a weak one.

@Nikola 193 cm 6'4 Zach at worst 5'6 not as low as 5'5 you think.

berta said on 20/Mar/18
169 would be better listing

Daz said on 26/Aug/17
Look at him next to Downey Jr in due date, he's 5ft 4 easy, downy is 5ft 8 Zac says he's 5ft 7 bwahahaha... bull Zac!!

John Davis said on 16/Aug/17
Nikola 193cm 6'4 a big giant freak like you would think that

Realist said on 8/Jun/17
Rob you seem infatuated with height but you lie for certain guys he always looks 5'6 and even when I was a kid I thought this guy is short. You could take a pic with him but I doubt that would happen.

Zach Galifianakis Height (2)Editor Rob

I can see guesses anywhere in 5ft 6-7 range.

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Certainly not a short-lived endeavour!

ff said on 30/Mar/17
stupid how he calls asians short in the movie hangover I think it was but he's also he's 5-4 to 5-5

5-6 maybe be pushing it but he's still little

S.J.H said on 4/Nov/16
Yes the chance he is 169cm but not over since will ferrell listed at 6'2.5

same said on 26/Oct/16
rob can you explain why he looked much shorter in movies?

Zach Galifianakis Height (3)Editor Rob

his body frame can certainly make him seem a 5ft 6 guy at times, but I don't think he goes that low...always a chance he is more 169 range though.

S.J.H said on 18/Aug/16
5'6 and not over. He look a full 8" shorter than 6'2 will ferrell

Dylan said on 17/Nov/15
Why does google search list him as 5'8. He stated clearly as 5'7. He even looks shorter than his co-stars in a majority of his movies.

yastnac said on 2/Oct/15
However tall he may be, in person he looks about 5'4"

Source: someone who knows someone who knows someone who stood in front of a step and repeat with him and also at a snack table told a friend, who told his friend, who told my friend, who told me.

Powerhouse said on 31/Aug/15
Oh give me a break, he looks like a dwarf from the lord of the rings. He is NOT 5'7, you want me to believe he would be eye to eye with guys like James Dean, Michael Pena, and James McAvoy? Look how short he looks in the picture above he has the leg length of a 5'4-5'5 guy.

the shredder said on 25/Feb/15
Rob , If he is 150 , 160 now than he had to be over 200 , He lost 50 lbs

Zach Galifianakis Height (4)Editor Rob

he does look like he's shifted a good chunk comparing his old physique to the slimmer version.

cole said on 23/Feb/15
@Editor Rob: He's lost quite a bit of weight: Click Here Could he be nearer 160lbs now?
I really hope he doesn't do a Jonah Hill and gain it all back because he's supposed to be "the funny fat guy"...

Zach Galifianakis Height (5)Editor Rob

there he can look 150-160 range.

goayee said on 26/Dec/14
He was shorter than Downey Jr who's 5-7 ...he has got to be 5-4 or 5-5

the shredder said on 28/Jul/14
Rob , his Weight? I say 185 at least

Zach Galifianakis Height (6)Editor Rob

yeah he looks like he could have stayed around 180ish, assuming he is near enough 5ft 7

the shredder said on 14/May/14
Weak 5 '7 is fair , he is at least 5 '6 but but a strong 5 '7 is pushing it , weak 5 '7 .

cole said on 2/Apr/14
Looks 5'6.5 with Andy Samberg as well.

the shredder said on 9/Mar/14
5'6.5 with Will

divincodino92 said on 17/Feb/14
5 feet 5,5.5

f said on 13/Jan/14
he said all asians are little when he's like 5-5....can't be more than 5-6

Realist said on 11/Jan/14
the Shredder is right, i think he might be taller than Justin Bartha,
Zach-172 Justin Bartha-171 Bradley Cooper-183 Ed Helms-181

the shredder said on 25/Nov/13
He is an example of a guy that looks shorter do to shape and weight.

the shredder said on 16/Oct/13
weak 5'7 , overweight bad posture.

k4r4n said on 30/Sep/13
He is 5'6.
Looks 2 inches short than 5'8 Robert Downey Jr. in movie Due Date

Adamz said on 25/Sep/13
You said this guy is under 5-7 enough times. Downgrade is in order, even if just by 1-2cm.

cole said on 21/Sep/13
I don't think he'd measure under 5'6.5. He's on the heavy side so he can strike you as shorter, but around the 5'7 mark I would say is a good shout.

MaskDeMasque said on 12/Aug/13
Doesn't look 5'7 to me. 5'6.5 is probably closer.

kid said on 7/Aug/13
The Will Ferrell/Mark comparison with Will and Zach are perfect. If Mark is 5'8 (which he might be shorter), there is no way Zach is only one inch shorter than Mark. Zach is at least two inches shorter than Mark.

Balrog said on 6/Aug/13
5'6" flag I'd say.

Powerhouse said on 25/Jul/13
5'7 is a joke for Galifianakis he never looked that tall.

BB said on 15/Jul/13
I think he could be 5'7-5'7.5. He's heavy and has short legs so he'll look even shorter.

jimbo said on 9/Mar/13
peek 170.. Most likely 168cm..

Matt said on 30/Dec/12
5'7"? Yeah, right....

Trey said on 26/Dec/12
The more I see of him the more I'm sure he's 5'6 tops. A good scene for height comparison is the one where Cooper, Helms and Zach are in the monastery in Hangover 2, they are all barefoot on a line. Ed Helms actually looks as tall or a tiny bit taller than Cooper.

Ed Helms - 182,5 cm
Bradley Cooper - 182,0 cm
Zach Galifinakis - 168,5 cm

Awesomimous said on 17/Nov/12

here's ferrell with wahlberg (173cm, 5'8)
Click Here

here's ferrell with galfianakis
Click Here

there is no way the difference with galfianakis is only 1 inch extra. it's at least least 2 inches. and if you watch due date, you'll see a similar roughly 2 inch difference between rdj and galfianakis.

i'd say 5'6, 168cm

SolidSnake said on 20/Sep/12
When they talk to the monks at the monastery in Hangover part 2 the 3 main characters are standing barefoot in line. Good scene for height comparisons.

the shredder said on 21/Aug/12
the more I see I think a weaker 5'7 .

the shredder said on 31/Jul/12
Weak 5'7 , looks shorter because of weight and that people only think weak 5'7ers are Cruise , Downey , which is a crock .

BigT said on 30/Jul/12
Looks 165-168 cm range to me.

the shredder said on 3/Jan/12
this is 5'7 flat guy , not Cruise , not Sly , not Efron .

ANDREA[ITA] said on 2/Jan/12
Rob, what about 5'6 for Zach? Too low?

Zach Galifianakis Height (7)Editor Rob

weak 5ft 7 is very possible, just 5ft 6 I'd need to watch some more of his films and stuff.

Charlize hater said on 12/Dec/11
Check out his interview with Charlize Theron on his webisode: Between the Ferns with: Charlize Theron. She likens him to a garden gnome and can't stop herself from laughing.

Ciccio said on 30/Nov/11
If Zach was 5'7, then Robert Downey Jr. (in the film due date you can see it) would be like 5'85, but he's not. I think he's kinda 5'6

Silent D said on 19/Oct/11
He looks short in all his movies. In the hangover he is at least 15 cm shorter than bradley cooper who is about 182cm. In bored to death he is slightly taller than jason who i think is 5 foot 4 at most. I would say zach is 167cm at most. 170cm is a stretch

TruebloodFan said on 14/Sep/11
@theenforcer22 says on 11/Jul/11
Cruise would own him
In terms of acting ability, looks and star quality, Cruise owns a hell of a lot of actors

it ain't by chance movie theaters sell so many tickets when it's about any Tom Cruise film. that itself says enough how good it is to see him on screen. imagine if Cruise was 5ft10. anyone else wouldn't even be noticed.

John said on 21/Jul/11
he looks more like 5"6 to me. he looked quite small in due date

theenforcer22 said on 11/Jul/11
Cruise would own him
In terms of acting ability, looks and star quality, Cruise owns a hell of a lot of actors

Legend said on 4/Jul/11
Zach is 5'6.25. Tom Cruise is 5'7...

the shredder said on 10/Jun/11
This is a example a flat out 5'7 or 5'6.75 guy ... Cruise would own him .

sam said on 9/Jun/11
he definitely looks 5'6 to me

linke said on 1/Jun/11
rob how tall is dr ken?Hangover 2 was awful btw.

Zach Galifianakis Height (8)Editor Rob

hmm, I found him saying under 5ft 9...I'd guess near 5ft 5 range might be close, I'll add him.

TruebloodFan said on 5/Apr/11
@SolidSnake says on 11/Feb/11
5-7 sounds good based on the Hangover

lmao, watch Hangover 2 newest trailer and tell me is he 5ft7. Cooper is at 6ft1, other 'tall' guy at 6ft, Bartha is around 5ft7.5 and Zach is a weak 5ft6. strong 5ft6 Downey has 3 inches on him cause he's taller barefoot + wears monsters. 5ft7 guys are James McAvoy and Tom Cruise. Downey and Galifianakis are both 5ft6ers.

dmeyer said on 16/Mar/11
downey jr looks a good 3 in over him in due date even considering elevators zach is closer to 5 ft 6.5

leonari said on 25/Feb/11
I say a flat 5'6". I don't see where he looks or ever looked 5'7". Sorry.

SolidSnake said on 11/Feb/11
5-7 sounds good based on the Hangover

jake said on 4/Jan/11
Watching the Hangover makes me thinks he's even shorterthan 5' 7", perhaps 5" 6.5 (169 cm).

Master of Rolls said on 4/Jan/11
5'7 sounds right as hes solidly 2inches shorter than Robert Downey Junior (5'9).....

dmeyer said on 10/Nov/10
looks about 3 in smaller than downey but downey has 3 in so looks 5 ft 10

Anonymous said on 7/Nov/10
Robert Downey Jr. consistently looks about 1-2 inches taller than him in The Due Date.

I'd say 5'7", maybe even 5'6.75"~

Mirko said on 2/Nov/10
5'6 MAX . . .he was noticeably shorter than jon stweart

Griff said on 2/Nov/10
Jon Stewart had an inch on him on the Daily Show, strange

Zach Galifianakis Height (2024)


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